
This section shows the activities related to dissemination along the project duration. Visit this section periodically to get new updates.

Publications in International Journals

15 journals

• H. Sedjelmaci and A. Boualouache,
"When Two-Layer Federated Learning and Mean-Field Game Meet 5G and Beyond Security: Cooperative Defense Systems for 5G and Beyond Network Slicing" - IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 1178-1189, Feb. 2024

• H. Sedjelmaci, S. M. Senouci, N. Ansari and A. Boualouache
"A Trusted Hybrid Learning Approach to Secure Edge Computing" - IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Volume: 11, Issue: 3, May 1 2022.

• A. Boualouache, A., Brik, B., Senouci, S. M., & Engel, T.
"On-Demand Security Framework for 5GB Vehicular Networks." - IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 6(2), 26-31, 2023.

• I. El-Korbi, S.-M. Senouci, F. Abdurahman
"Véhicule connecté : Environnement, Architectures et Défis" - REE 2023, 25 mai 2023.

• Jolfaei, A. A., Boualouache, A., Rupp, A., Schiffner, S., & Engel, T.
"A Survey on Privacy-Preserving Electronic Toll Collection Schemes for Intelligent Transportation Systems" - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2023).

• T. Djaidja, B. Brik, A. Boualouache, SM. Senouci, Y. Ghamri-Doudane
"Federated Learning for 5G and Beyond, a Blessing and a Curse- An Experimental Study on Intrusion Detection Systems" - Computers & Security, 2024, 103707, ISSN 0167-4048

• A.Boulouache A.A Jolfaei, T. Engel
"Multi-process Federated Learning with Stacking for Securing 6G-V2X Network Slicing at Cross-Borders" - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024.

• B. Liu, Q. Tang
"Enhancing Federated Learning Performance through Secure Blockchain-based Aggregation" - invited for the special issue Edge-Cloud Computing and Federated-Split Learning in the Internet of Things, 2024

• A. Amara korba, A, Boualouache, Y. Ghamri-doudane
"Zero-X: A Blockchain-Enabled Open-Set Federated Learning Framework for Zero-Day Attack Detection in IoV" - IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, April 2024

• T. Djaidja, B. Brik, A. Boualouache, SM. Senouci, Y. Ghamri-Doudane
"Time-efficient Detection of False Position Attack in 5G and Beyond Vehicular Networks" - Accepted in Computer Networks (Elsevier), 2024.

• Abdelwahab Boualouache, Thomas Engel
"A Survey on Machine Learning-based Misbehavior Detection Systems for 5G and Beyond Vehicular Networks" - IEEE, January 2023

• Abdelwahab Boualouache, Thomas Engel
"Federated learning-based scheme for detecting passive mobile attackers in 5G vehicular edge computing" - Annals of Telecommunications, 2022 - Springer, July 2021

• Abdelwahab Boualouache, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci, Bouziane Brik, Shajjad Hossain, Qiang Tang, Abdelaziz Amara Korba, Rami Langar, Sylvain Cherrier, Badre Bousalem, Vinicius F. Silva, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane and Thomas Engel
"Sécurité des communications 5G véhiculaires (5G-V2X) dans un contexte transfrontalier" - REE N°2/2023, p82-p90

• Liu, Bowen, Balázs Pejó, and Qiang Tang
"Privacy-Preserving Federated Singular Value Decomposition" - Applied Sciences (2023): 7373

• Liu, Bowen and Tang, Qiang
"Secure Data Sharing in Federated Learning through Blockchain-Based Aggregation" - Future Internet, 2024, vol. 16, no 4, p. 133.

Publications in International Conferences and Workshops

22 conferences

• R. Bekkouche, M. Omar, R. Langar
"Securing 5G Network Slices with Adaptive Machine Learning Models as-a-Service: A Novel Approach" - IEEE GLOBECOM 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023

• R. Bekkouche, M. Omar, R. Langar, and B. Hamdaoui
"Ultra-Lightweight and Secure Intrusion Detection System for Massive-IoT Networks" - IEEE ICC 2022, May 2022, Seoul, South Korea

• A. Amara korba, A. Diaf, Y. Ghamri-doudane
"AI-Driven Fast and Early Detection of IoT Botnet Threats: A Comprehensive Network Traffic Analysis Approach" - IWCMC 2024 (Accepted)

• A. Boualouache, A. Amara Korba, S.M. Senouci, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, and T. Engel
"Reinforcement Learning-based Security Orchestration for 5G-V2X Network Slicing at Cross-borders" - IEEE Globecom, 2023

• T. Djaidja, B. Brik, SM. Senouci, Y. Ghamri-Doudane
"Adaptive Resource Reservation to Survive Against Adversarial Resource Selection Jamming Attacks in 5G NR-V2X Distributed Mode 2" - IEEE ICC2022, 16-20 mai 2022, Seoul, South Korea

• R. Bekkouche, M. Omar, R. Langar
"Securing 5G Network Slices with Adaptive Machine Learning Models as-a-Service: A Novel Approach" - IEEE GLOBECOM 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023

• A. Diaf, A. Amara korba, Y. Ghamri-doudane
"Beyond Detection: Leveraging Large Language Models for Cyber Attack Prediction in IoT Networks" - IEEE DCOSS-IoT 2024 (Accepted)

• A. Amara korba, S. Sebaa, M. Mabrouki, Y. Ghamri-Dudane
"Life-long Learning Intrusion Detection System for 6G-Enabled IoV" - IWCMC 2024

• R. Bekkouche, M. Omar, R. Langar, and B. Hamdaoui
"Ultra-Lightweight and Secure Intrusion Detection System for Massive-IoT Networks" - IEEE ICC 2022, May 2022, Seoul, South Korea

• A. Boualouache, T. Engel
"Federated Learning-based Inter-slice Attack Detection for 5G-V2X Sliced Networks" - IEEE VTC2022- Fall, 26-29 September 2022, London/Beijing, UK/China

• Aymene Selamnia, Bouziane Brik, Sidi Mohammed Senouci, Abdelwahab Boualouache, Shajjad Hossain
"Edge Computing-enabled Intrusion Detection for C-V2X Networks using Federated Learning" - IEEE GLOBECOM 2022, December 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

• Taki Eddine Toufik Djaidja, Bouziane Brik, Abdelwahab Boualouache, Sidi Mohammed Senouci, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane
"DRIVE-B5G: A Flexible and Scalable Platform Testbed for B5G-V2X Networks" - IEE GLOBECOM 2022, December 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

• Abdelwahab Boualouache, Taki Eddine Toufik Djaidja, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Bouziane Brik, Thomas Engel
"Deep Learning-based Intra-slice Attack Detection for 5G-V2X Sliced Networks" - VTC2022-Spring, Helsinki, Finland, June 2022.

• Shajjad Hossain, Abdelwahab Boualouache, Bouziane Brik, and Sidi-Mohammed Senouci
"A Lightweight 5G-V2X Intra-slice Intrusion Detection System Using Knowledge Distillation" - IEEE ICC2023, 28 May – 01 June 2023, Roma, Italy.

• Badre Bousalem, Vinicius F. Silva, Rami Langar, Sylvain Cherrier
"DDoS Attacks Detection and Mitigation in 5G and Beyond Networks: A Deep Learning-based Approach" - IEEE GLOBECOM, January 2023.

• Badre Bousalem, Vinicius F. Silva, Rami Langar, Sylvain Cherrier
"Deep Learning-based Approach for DDoS Attacks Detection and Mitigation in 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks" - IEEE NetSoft, August 2022.

• Abdelaziz Amara Korba, Abdelwahab Boualouache, Bouziane Brik, Rabah Rahal, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Sidi Mohammed Senouci
"Federated Learning for Zero-Day Attack Detection in 5G and Beyond V2X Networks" - IEEE ICC, October 2023.

• Fetulhak Abdurahman Shewajo, Abdelwahab Boualouache, Sidi Mohammed Senouci, Ines El-Korbi, Bouziane Brik, Kinde Anlay Fante
"Integrating Blockchain Technology with PKI for Secure and Interoperable Communication in 5G and Beyond Vehicular Networks" - IEEE CCNC’2024, 6–9 January 2024 // Las Vegas, NV, USA.

• Badre Bousalem, Mohamed Anis Sakka, Vinicius F. Silva, Wael Jaafar, Asma Ben Letaifa, Rami Langar
"DDoS Attacks Mitigation in 5G-V2X Networks: A Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach" - 30 October 2023 - 02 November 2023, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada

• Badre Bousalem, Vinicius F. Silva, Abdelwahab Boualouache, Rami Langar, Sylvain Cherrier
"Deep Learning-based Smart Radio Jamming Attacks Detection on 5G V2I/V2N Communications" - GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

• F. Alalyan, B. Bousalem, W. Jaafar and R. Langar
"Secure Peer-to-Peer Federated Learning for Efficient Cyberattacks Detection in 5G and Beyond Networks" - ICC 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Communications

"Simulating 5G for Cooperative, Connected and Automated mobility" - Connecting Tomorrow - Workshop, Luxembourg (October 5-7, 2021).

Publications in Magazines

2 magazines

• Abdelwahab Boualouache, Bouziane Brik, Qiang Tang, Abdelaziz Amara Korba, Sylvain Cherrier, Sidi-Mohammed Senouci, Enric Pardo, Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, Rami Langar, Thomas Engel
"5G Vehicle-to-Everything at the Cross-Borders: Security Challenges and Opportunities" - IEEE Internet of Things Magazine.

• Z. A. El Houda, B. Brik and S.-M. Senouci
"A Novel IoT-Based Explainable Deep Learning Framework for Intrusion Detection Systems" - vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 20-23, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, june 2022.

Press Releases

2 press releases

• S-M. Senouci DRIVE
"Le Laboratoire DRIVE participe fortement la sécurité du véhicule connecté au sein projet ANR/FNR 5G-INSIGHT" - Mai 2024.

• S-M. Senouci DRIVE
"5G-INSIGHT: Intelligent orchestrated security and privacyaware slicing for 5G and beyond vehicular networks" - Avril 2021.


4 datasets

• Unilu (Public)

• UGE (UGE Testbed)

• UGE/UNILU (UGE Testbed)

• UGE (UGE Testbed)


• B. Bousalem, V. F. Silva, R. Langar, and S. Cherrier
Deep Learning based Approach for DDoS Attacks Detection and Mitigation in 5G and Beyond Mobile Networks", IEEE NetSoft 2022, Milan, Italy, Jun. 2022. (Best Demo Paper Award)

Project Dissemination Material And Leaflets

The project KoM (Thursday 27/05/2021) : Kickoff meeting of the project with presence of the ANR.

Project poster (January, 6th, 2023) : DRIVE Lab HCERES Evaluation.